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In The Spotlight: Raptoonist Age Scott

Writer: Marianne Cooper-vd Veen Marianne Cooper-vd Veen

Every now and then I like to put someone in the spotlight and this time I'd like to talk about someone who has been around for decades and delivers top-notch Hip-Hop comic books: raptoonist Age Scott!

As the pioneer of comic books with a Hip-Hop theme Age has an established name in the world of comic book creators.

Among countless other projects he worked on he designed the legendary duo “Won & Phil”, who are always up for new adventures to fight evil and save Hip-Hop. He also added “Superhood” to his collection where Zomby Girl, Beef, Story and Shiva take you out on adventures in the hood. The stories he presents not only have a Hip-Hop flavor but also a great sense of humor and contain life lessons and visions to make the world a little better. Besides drawing Age is also an art teacher and loves to share his knowledge. On top of that he is also a co-host of the radio show Duck Soop on Wednesdays on Radio For The World. As a huge Hip-Hop fan Age not only likes to draw and write commentary about it, he also enjoys making music of his own. You can tell from his lyrics that he always speaks from the heart and uses it as a great outlet for his thoughts and concerns.

I'd like to give Age Scott a huge shout-out and if you haven't checked him out already you definitely need to now! Don't miss out, find him on Facebook & Instagram and follow what he's up to.

Want to see more of Age? Below you can check out two of our favorite Age Scott videos called “Real people” and a documentary about the Duck Soop podcast!


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